Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. Запишите выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.
1. Speaking position |
A. It’s been said that people appreciate your ideas by the words you use, and this is true. Choose your words wisely. Words have power. They have the power to move nations and they have the power to destroy as well. When you speak, use your words carefully. Avoid using words that will cause the other person think poorly of you. Use words that communicate positive values. Make sure they are understandable. Use words that are colorful and rich with meaning, as long as they can be understood by the listener. B. Just as important as what you say is how you say it. What tone are you using? When you speak, are you monotone? Or do you move the tone of your voice, changing it up? This will naturally help people follow what you’re saying. Changing the tone of your voice is a very effective way to draw people into your message. Imagine if a painter only used one color. We want lots of colors and lots of tones. The speed with which you speak will tell others certain things. C. The emotions you communicate while speaking are vital. The key here is to show emotion without “getting emotional.” Emotions can be a very effective communicator. For example, showing anger can communicate that you are very serious about something. Allowing yourself to cry can show a side of you to others that communicates that you are a person of passion who, while being a hard-charging person who desires success, also has a tender side. Emotion, if controlled, is a powerful communicator. D. When you’re communicating, especially in a presentation situation, your speaking position, whether you are standing, sitting, kneeling, etc., can communicate a lot. For example, my good friend Zig Ziglar, a master of the stage, will frequently move to the front of the stage and kneel. He is saying, “Listen closely to this. This is really important.” He is bringing the audience in for an intimate moment. Sitting communicates casualness. Many speakers will give a considerable part of their presentation this way. This style is informative and casual—and it is effective. E. Clear-cut communication increases the likelihood that people will comprehend and take action on whatever you’re asking from them. It’s better to over-explain something than to leave room for misunderstanding. It’s helpful to prepare your thoughts in advance so you include all the relevant details. Don’t end a conversation until you’re sure the other person understands your objectives and how to achieve them. Deliver these instructions in a friendly, open way so the other person knows they can approach you with follow-up questions. F. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who only responded in two- or three-word sentences, and you walked away feeling like you learned very little? The person might not have been intentionally giving you short answers; perhaps you could have phrased your questions better. A lot of people fail to understand the power of asking quality questions. One effective tip for asking stronger questions is to frame questions in a positive tone. Framing things positively assures the direction of the conversation and leaves others with a pleasant memory of the exchange. G. If you prefer speaking on the main stage in front of larger groups, then you would fancy delivering keynotes. This option can create exceptional opportunities for consulting, long after your speech is over. If you have a new idea that you’re really passionate about or have an innovative way of presenting a familiar topic. If you enjoy sharing your expertise in a collaborative setting, consider the impact of participating in a conference environment as an expert panelist. Opportunities to communicate with smaller groups include breakout sessions or workshops. |
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