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Is Giles a practitioner of parkour

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Is Giles a practitioner of parkour?

  1. No, he is just a parkour filmmaker.
  2. Yes, he has been practicing it for more than a decade.
  3. No, but his friends are parkour practitioners.

Presenter: Have you ever heard about parkour? Of course, you have! Today in this studio we meet Giles Campbell Longley who is a professional parkour stunt athlete and filmmaker. Welcome, Giles! Your last video is so fun to watch. Giles, what were some of the challenges you faced in making it?

Giles: We found the location via drone racing videos online and booked flights with no idea whether or not the structure would be safe enough to jump on. The whole thing was incredibly sketchy and we ended spending a ton of time testing and strengthening areas of the building so they could be useable.

Presenter: Eric Moor’s parkour is really impressive in the video. What was it like working with an athlete doing stunts like that?

Giles: I’m a full time parkour filmmaker & Kie Willis (the drone pilot on this project) is actually a professional parkour athlete himself, so we’re very used to shooting this style of movement. Eric is one of our closest friends and he’s incredible to work with, both in his determination to repeat something until it’s perfect, but also because of his sense of humor.

Presenter: Editing is an important part of why your video is so amazing. How long did you take with post-production?

Giles: The edit didn’t actually take too long, about two to three days. Every night after shooting we would get back to our hotel and play with the selects so by the end of the trip we already had a solid idea of how the final piece would look. Then it was just a case of polishing things up.

Presenter: Tell us about your company. Is this the kind of work you typically do?

Giles: Yes, I’ve practiced parkour since 2003 so the sport is well and truly engrained in my life. I got into filmmaking because I just wanted to film myself and my friends, and everything has just begun from there.

Presenter: Did you have to secure a permit or deal with any other kinds of regulations to fly your drone in Ibiza in order to shoot the video?

Giles: No, we didn’t obtain any permission to shoot there. We wouldn’t have considered the location if it was built up and had a lot of people frequenting the area, as we try to avoid flying anywhere that could cause any safety issues. The area itself was technically fenced off but there were many spots that didn’t have fences.

Presenter: Oh, really?

Giles: Luckily the location was incredibly remote, and due to the fact that we filmed it in the off season, it was December, we only encountered a couple of people during the whole week of filming. Visitors ranged from family’s coming in to explore, birdwatchers, and even some trials bikers who worked their way down the nearby cliffface and into the courtyard.

Presenter: How did you first get involved with aerial cinematography?

Giles: Years ago we had a couple of friends who built their own drone and mounted a small Sony camera on the bottom of it. We played around for a day in an abandoned estate and instantly saw the potential it offered to capture parkour from the air.

Presenter: Were there any problems?

Giles: Unfortunately the drone setup was rather temperamental and we didn’t get to utilize it as much as we would have liked. However, within a couple of years the consumer market for drones expanded, and we’ve been playing ever since.

Presenter: What are your predictions for aerial cinematography, and the drone industry in general?

Giles: I think in the near future things are going to get a lot more exciting when it comes to aerial cinematography. Drones have the ability to travel at rapid speeds while making movements that were literally impossible a few years ago, unless you had a helicopter, yet for some reason the majority of people in the action sports world still seem to opt for what are relatively simple shots and flight paths. Now with the rise of racing drones, and incredible small cameras I’m hoping to see more people utilizing these tools to push things even further. The benefit of racing drones is that you can create something very visually stimulating.

Presenter: Do you think the rules regulating the use of drones will change?

Giles: Regarding regulations, I think that unfortunately we will see these getting more and more strict in the near future. With drones being so accessible, it just increases the chances of reckless pilots putting other people in danger, effectively spoiling the fun for people who are trying to push their creative boundaries while being sensible and safe. I don’t really know what the end point of this will be, but I seriously hope nothing major comes into play, like an outright ban on drones.

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