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People of this nation tend to apologize more frequently

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  1. People of this nation tend to apologize more frequently.
  2. People need to be perfect to be respected.
  3. It is necessary to find right words to make an apology.
  4. It is always hard to apologize.
  5. Apologizing helps to maintain good connections between people.
  6. Apologizing is the best solution for the given situations.
  7. Apologizing can cause positive changes.

Speaker 1

Maisie spilled soda on her friend’s borrowed dress. Aiden tweeted a photo when Jane tripped over his bag and landed in her lap. Susan dropped her mom’s favorite plate — then responded by yelling at her mom because she was so upset at her mistake. We all mess up. We’re human, and it’s not always easy to get along with everyone all the time. Sometimes we hurt people’s feelings without intending to. Sometimes, we’re deliberately mean and we feel bad afterward. So we apologize.

Speaker 2

Apologies are one of the tools we use to build good friendships and relationships. When you say “I’m sorry” (and really mean it), it’s because you probably feel bad that something you did or said hurt another person. Saying you’re sorry is more than just words. You’re also saying that you respect the other person and you care about his or her feelings. Apologizing shows you have empathy. After apologizing, you might feel a little better. The other person probably will, too.

Speaker 3

If someone is upset because of something you did, you’ll want to set things right. Here are some times when an apology can make the difference: If you hurt someone, even if you didn’t mean it. If you lose or break something that belonged to someone else. If you did something you knew was wrong — like telling a lie or breaking a rule on purpose. If you didn’t do something you were supposed to do — like keeping a promise. Everyone needs to apologize when they do something wrong.

Speaker 4

The British are famous for how frequently they say ‘sorry’ — even when they’re not at fault. It is probably the most over-used word in the United Kingdom. A recent survey of more than 1,000 British people found that that the average person says ‘sorry’ around eight times per day — and that one in eight people apologize up to 20 times a day. British society values that its members show respect without imposing on someone else’s personal space, and without drawing attention to oneself.

Speaker 5

Apologizing is the most effective way to restore trust and balance in a relationship. Why do some people still refuse to apologize? First, apologies take courage. When you admit that you were wrong, it puts you in a vulnerable position, which can open you up to attack or blame. Some people struggle to show this courage. Or, people may be following the advice “never apologize, never explain”. It’s up to them if they want to be arrogant, but, if they do, they should not expect to be seen as wise people.

Speaker 6

We all make mistakes. We can’t avoid it, and sometimes these mistakes hurt the others. Then comes the time to apologize. A correct apology can repair the damage and strengthen the emotional bond between two people. When we apologize we say to the other that we feel deeply what we have done and want to repair the damage and make him feel better. The best way to apologize is to do it with few words, without offering explanations that might call into question the sincerity.

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